songwriting and storytelling

Paula is a published singer-songwriter, with songs appearing in North American & European film and television episodes. She recorded her last album, 'Stay Awhile' with Grammy award winning producer/mixer, David Odlum at Black Box Studios in France. She is in the process of recording her follow up album to 'Stay Awhile'.

As a storyteller and content writer, she has written biographies under her pen-name 'Floro' and is currently a contributor at Wise Women Canada Blog. Paula has recently launched an on-line creative mental-wellness community Ode To Wonder.

Paula is also a mental health advocate, volunteering her time to eliminate the stigma against both mental illness and suicide. 

Ode To Wonder

ODE TO WONDER. Where Discovery Meets Gratitude. 

Ode to Wonder is a community and creative space built to exercise mental well-being by engaging in curiosity, discovery and gratitude. It is a celebration of the simple things in life, accessible through the beauty of art, travel and humanity. While crossing paths with innovative and inspiring people, Ode to Wonder will share their stories and struggles, hopefully offering insight into their individual strength and resources that helped them work through life's losses. May Ode to Wonder be a contagious remedy for some, offering enlightenment. May it be a dare to believe in oneself that much more. A dare to climb up those stairs, open the door and Wonder.